Thats really good! I was shocked when I saw a 2.57! I was like, What the hell is wrong with people nowadays! I thought it was great!
10/10, 5/5
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Thats really good! I was shocked when I saw a 2.57! I was like, What the hell is wrong with people nowadays! I thought it was great!
10/10, 5/5
It looks great as a background I'll tell you what
Awesome of course
Reminds me when I got a baby, and it nagged and cried and whined for, like, two days, so I decided to take out to the backyard and leave it there.
We now have fresh corn in our backyard...
Anyway, I neer played sims before...is it gooood?
Nooooo. It's not. It's FAGTASTIC.
why such a bad rating?
I dont get people. If this gets lower then an 8, then there's something wrong with them. This guy looks absolutely epic. As in hollywood epic
For someone who can hit bullets, throw tanks, and destroy cities, I expect him to be this big and menacing
I am an animator that will hopefully awe or inspire others. I take animation as a passion, not an obsession, that I do in my spare time, or when I just feel like it. So don't expect animations to be so common with me! :P
Age 35, Male
Pandora's little box
On a rock somewhere
Joined on 3/2/10