View Profile hiddenthecakeisalie
I am an animator that will hopefully awe or inspire others. I take animation as a passion, not an obsession, that I do in my spare time, or when I just feel like it. So don't expect animations to be so common with me! :P

Age 35, Male

Pandora's little box

On a rock somewhere

Joined on 3/2/10

Exp Points:
130 / 180
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> 100,000
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hiddenthecakeisalie's News

Posted by hiddenthecakeisalie - April 18th, 2010

Everyone loves madness. The Moar Madness, the better. So I'm adding my own mark on the Madness world, and putting a lot of effort into it as well. Not one of those shitty 1 week animations that are so rushed that even blind people laugh at the sight of it. i don't even have a name for it yet, but I CAN tell you its a zombie slaying tricky-bashing good time.

Oh, and there's Hank in it, too. Plus smooth animation (even for the feet!)

I've pretty much lost all interest in the sprite movie I made (happens with a lot of my animations)a nd that stick figure thing I was doing (still a little hope for it though). So most of my time is being spent on Madness and little drawing I make with flash.

Posted by hiddenthecakeisalie - March 5th, 2010

Okay, so i'm working on 2 or so animations right now. Stick figure and a sprite movie. Don't expect them anytime soon, but I just wanna let anyone who finds my page to know :P. Most likely i'll put other animations up (shorts) that I do while procrastinating. I don't know what those shorts might be, but I have a few ideas that I can't seem to forget about.

Also, I do have a Youtube account. Its mostly videogames, but its professional. I've got two sprite animations (one is in this update I did, and the other is somewhere buried in the uploaded area of my account).
http://www.youtube.com/user/hiddenThec akeisalie?feature=mhw4

Check it out
